
Myths about college and university endowmentsмифы и факты

«1. MYTH: An endowment is a single fund that a school may spend at its discretion. FACT: A typical endowment consists of hundreds, sometimes thousands, of individual funds…»


A sketch of the income tax treatment of endowmentsa sketch

«More and more often charities that hold endowments are seeking input on how they can or should spend their endowments. The answer to whether they can simply spend income (as defined by trust law) on their charitable purposes is both a trust and tax question…»

Build a Better Endowmentbuild a better

«Be sure that your endowment is built of brick. Charities with adequate endowments are less common than you might think…»


Fiduciary Guidelines for Foundation & Endowment TrusteesСнимок

«Serving as a fiduciary for a charitable or nonprofit organization requires knowledge of investment issues and an understanding of how investment-related decisions may impact the organization…»


Permanent endowment: rules for charitiespermanent2

«When you can spend, sell or transfer ‘permanent endowment’ — money or property given to your charity with conditions on how it can be used…»

Benefits of giving a scholarship endowment

«You don’t have to be a billionaire to create a lasting legacy for students. By endowing a scholarship, you can accomplish a similar goal, see the immediate benefits of your gift, and take an income tax deduction to boot…»

College and University Endowments: Overview and Tax Policy OptionsCollege and University Endowments Overview and Tax Policy Options

«This report uses data from the U.S. Department of Education, the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) and Commonfund Institute, and the Internal Revenue Service to provide background information on college and university endowments…»


Markets Today: From hero to zerofrom hero to zero

«In the five days through this Monday, the AUD had been the best performing major currency, rallying by just shy of 4% against the US dollar…»




Облигации — все о долговых рынкахСнимок23



Мнения аналитиковмнения аналитиков



Краудфандинг: модели вознаграждения участников 


«Статья раскрывает основные способы вознаграждения спонсоров краудфандинговых проектов, их основные преимущества и недостатки, а также примеры практического применения в России и мире…»



Securing Endowments and Planned Giving Arrangements Снимок2

«What are endowments and planned giving arrangements? Why would you want to secure endowments or planned giving arrangements? When should you try to secure endowments or planned giving arrangements? How do you secure endowments and planned giving arrangements?»



Council for Advancement and Support of Educationcouncil



Tax benefits. Information for international donors (Stanford)stanford

«International donors may be able to realize tax benefits through gifts. We recommend that you check with a local tax professional for details specific to your country…»




Tax Advantagestax advantages

Federal Tax Advantages

Montana State Tax Advantages